
After Thanksgiving 2023

I (Russell) think this is an accurate portrayal of the Israeli-Palestinian story:


“Debunking the Palestine Lie”

As a NH resident, I think we should not pay for any use of force in the Middle East. In order to do this, we should secede from the US, NATO, and the UN. Afterwards our position should be friendly relations, free trade, and no aggression against Israelis or Arabs.


Jacob Hornberger at Maine LP Convention (What platform should we run on?)



Texas Nationalist Movement podcast



Teachers Union lost this week in NH Supreme Court


In June 2021, New Hampshire enacted the Education Freedom Account (EFA) Program, providing Granite State families with educational choice beginning in the 2021-22 school year. The program has been popular, with more than 3,000 students enrolled.

To qualify for the program, a student must be eligible to enroll in public school and come from a family that has an income that is equal to, or less than, 300% of the federal poverty line. Recipients can use the EFA for an array of educational expenses, including tuition, tutoring, and therapies.

But while parents count on the program to help them educate their children, opponents think those parents—even parents who cannot afford other options—should only be able to send their children to public schools. To that end, the head of the American Federation of Teachers in New Hampshire filed a lawsuit against the program alleging that funding for the program violates the state constitution and state law restricting use of revenue from the state lottery.

The Institute for Justice (IJ), the nation’s leading legal advocate for school choice, is defending the program on behalf of three parents whose children are eligible to receive EFAs under the program.



2024 Legislation of interest



New Hampshire Takes a Second Bat at Legislation to Secede From the United States



On this week's episode, Mark addresses how we the people can prevent the government and the Federal Reserve from grabbing more power and implementing their own preferred "solutions" to economic issues. This is the third round of monetary chaos the Fed has subjected us to in recent history—a history from which valuable


Recently in my last visits to Keene, I have lots of NHEXIT papers on lampposts and on buildings. It's amazing how fast NHEXIT is still spreading in New Hampshire's major cities and yet people are unaware of it.


