
NH Ranking Population

How NH ranks with reference to other countries:

I am listing countries that are of interest either because of their geographic proximity, created in the last 50-60 years, or future banking or tax haven rivals.

99 - Switzerland - 8.7 million

101 - Hong Kong - 7.5 (China)

112 - Denmark - 5.9

113 - Singapore - 5.7

145 - Slovenia - 2.1 

146 - North Macedonia - 2.06

147 - Latvia - 1.8

150 - New Hampshire - 1.377 Million (US)

151 - Trinidad and Tobago - 1.366

152 - Estonia - 1.33 ( see The Singing Revolution - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0954008/ )

163 - Luxembourg - .63 Million

169 - Belize - .43 

187 - Cayman Islands - .065 Million (UK)

189 - Liechtenstein - .039 Million

190 - Monaco - .04 million



