
News up until December 16th 2021



The bill makes clear that "insurrection or rebellion" includes advocating for New Hampshire to secede from the United States.




“I don’t think we can force them, in other words, come to your bedside and give you a jab you don’t want. But we can certainly make social consequences...”

“I would impose consequences for not getting vaccinated.”


















Two decades ago, Jason Sorens challenged "free staters" to move to New Hampshire, run for office and secede from the union. The goal of the cult is to create a "Libertarian Utopia" without rules or regulations beyond protection of private property and personal liberty. There would be no public schools, public health, environmental regulations or additional government services. Granite State Matters' latest podcast describes how that movement succeeded, in 2020, in taking control of the NH House. Steve Marchand and Teri Harkins interview columnist Garry Rayno to understand just what is going on at the State House and why a minority of radicals now dominate the Republican majority legislature.




Secessionism in Liberal Democracies: What Do We Really Know About the Explanations of Secessionism?






There was, of course, a cataclysmic civil war fought 160 years ago in large measure by the northern states — New Hampshire prominently among them — to resolve that no individual state has a right to secede. And the Supreme Court and legal scholars have since asserted the same.”



In response:

" NH Independence Referendum - Let the people vote! (Letter to Editor)

Dear editors at the Sentinel:

This is a response to your editorial against the New Hampshire Independence Amendment, which - if passed - would let all NH citizens vote in a referendum on whether we continue to be ruled by Washington. Why do you think this issue should be decided by dead war criminals rather than your neighbors, arguably acting within the rules laid out in the U.S. Constitution? Though silent on independence, it reads: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Well here we are, trying to peaceably exercise these powers through the state house, then the polls…what’s there to be against other than D.C. and its enablers in the press?

Grrr…sorry to get so blunt…the Sentinel seems one of the few papers that still has some independence and frontpage/editorial separation. You deserve respect for the fact that I can say this without likelihood you will suppress the letter. But ultimately it’s questionable when a proposed vote on “who should govern where” is treated as Forbidden and Shocking…but starting five wars since 2011 is just business as usual. Write your congressman; vote for a different chickenhawk. Don’t color outside the lines, don’t imitate the successful Estonian or Gandhian independence drives.

The Washington empire, like Moscow and London before it…has made independence look good by abusing the people who live under its domination. It has turned most New Hampshirites against the central government, which has an approval rating hovering somewhere between that of syphilis and leprosy. But an informal September poll by the state’s largest paper showed support for the Independence Amendment at 71%.

If D.C. didn’t want an independence drive in New Hampshire, it wouldn’t have shut down four square blocks of residential Keene to put a drone through the window of America’s #25 talk show. It would not have exacerbated shortages by demanding most New Hampshirites submit to medical experimentation as a condition of employment. It would not have used our tax dollars to run a TORTURE CHAMBER at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.

Google these FedCrimes, and explain to us again why you think rule by Washington is more desirable than rule by Concord.


Dave Ridley


Winchester "