
NH Ranking GDP per Capita

Here is New Hampshire's current rank of GDP per Capita compared to a few other countries:

(some at the top are tax havens ... also something NH is striving for)

1 - Monaco - $ 191k

2 - Leichtenstein - $ 180k

3 - Bermuda - $ 117k

4 - Luxembourgh - $ 116k

5 - Cayman Islands - $ 91k

6 - Switzerland - $ 87k

8 - Ireland - $ 84k

9 - Norway - $ 67k

10 - New Hampshire - $ 65k

10 - United States - $ 64k

11 - Denmark - $ 61k

12 - Singapore - $ 60k

13 - Iceland - $ 59k

15 - Netherlands - $ 52k

16 - Sweden - $ 52k

22 - Hong Kong - $ 46k

44 - Slovenia - $ 25k

47 - Estonia - $ 23k

55 - Latvia - $ 18k

61 - Trinadad and Topago - $ 15k

117 - Belize - $ 4k



New Hamshire was the 3rd fastest grower of total GDP from 2020 to 2021 behind Nevada and Utah.




