
Links for late September 2021


Per Capita Income by State

States with the Highest Per Capita Income

The following ten states have the highest PCI:

  1. District of Columbia - $84,538
  2. Connecticut - $79,087
  3. Massachusetts - $74,967
  4. New York - $71,440
  5. New Jersey - $70,979
  6. California - $66,661
  7. Maryland - $65,683
  8. Washington - $64,898
  9. New Hampshire - $63,880
  10. Wyoming - $63,316

Unsurprisingly, the four richest states in terms of median household income are also among the states with the highest PCI: District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. California and New York also have high median incomes and have the highest and third-highest GDPs of $3.120 billion and $1.705 billion.

Additionally, several of these states are among the nation's ten most educated states: D.C., Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, Washington, and New Hampshire.


The state that has lawmakers openly calling for secession in response to federal overreach and oppression is none other than the great New England state of New Hampshire.










“With reasonable men, I will reason; with humane men I will plead; but to tyrants I will give no quarter, nor waste arguments where they will certainly be lost.”

William Lloyd Garrison




From last month







Looks like .NH will be available for us.






Sunday at 1pm eastern


Links from 9/26/2021 chat:


Proclivity for Taxing Income



Ana Stanic



Page 33 referenced in chat



The Club 75 Alliance is a proposed alliance between Club 75 and Free State Project participants, to achieve a mutually beneficial goal: turning New Hampshire into an independent country with no income tax.








Nice article from 4 years ago:








Endless Fed bumbling we don’t need to be a part of:






Sylvia’s proposed amendment wording was untouched, and in the “voter’s guide” they added this excellent summary:

“AT THE PRESENT TIME, New Hampshire exists as a sovereign state of the United States of America.

IF THE AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED, New Hampshire will peaceably declare independence from the United States of America and proceed as its own sovereign nation.”




Too many protestors




We have done worse before:


“The Tory governor’s property was seized by the patriot state of New Hampshire and sold at auction.”





tv story about the shut-down Executive Council “breakfast” shut down by protesters on Wed, Sept 29, 2021: 



Extracted from “Additional Terms and Conditions of Award”


“(CDC) hereby incorporates Immunization and Vaccines for Children, which are hereby made a part of this Non-research award”


“A recipient of a grant or cooperative agreement… agrees, as applicable to the award, to:


1) comply with existing and/or future directives and guidance from the Secretary regarding control of the spread of COVID-19;


2) … provide… patient care regardless of the individual’s home jurisdiction and/or appropriate health measures (e.g., … home isolation); and


3) assist the United States Government in the implementation and enforcement of federal orders related to quarantine and isolation.” (emphasis added)


[in addiiton] “the recipient is expected to provide to CDC copies of and/or access to COVID-19 data collected with these funds, included but not limited to data related to COVID-19 testing CDC will specify in further guidance and directives what is encompassed in this requirement.


So: among other things, if this money (“award”) is accepted, [the agree-ers] will have to agree to comply with and and all as-yet-unknown “future directives and guidance,” in addition to currently explicit “enforcement of federal orders related to quaraantine and isolation.”


This is really bad.




"Rep. Belanger: As a sometime guest on Marcus Evans’ Calexit “talk show,” I wanted to thank you for legislatively supporting California’s right to self-determination. I hope you will see your way clear to doing the same for New Hampshire’s right to independence when it hopefully comes before the full legislature this year. We don’t need to be ruled by any more Trumps or Bidens, and it any case you may have seen the recent Union Leader poll indicating 71 percent support for the right to vote on leaving the malfunctioning U.S.

Most of what you need to know about the NH independence drive is at forum.ShireSociety.com … consider yourself invited.

Dave Ridley




"Msg. for Amanda Bouldin: The NH Independence Amendment

Hi Amanda. The last time I saw you, I think I hugged you. Since then I’ve heard many things about your voting record which have broken my heart, but I hope that you are at least still friendly to the idea that New Hampshire should never be ruled by another Donald Trump for as long as the word spins. We can best accomplish this by not being part of the Federal system and its literal million-page list of Forbidden Acts. Failing that, merely trying can have an ameliorative effect on central government abuses.

This is a request for your support as real independence legislation is expected to come before the State House this year. It’s time for us to stop being governed by the Feds, who ran a torture chamber at their air base in Afghanistan and recently shut down 4 square blocks of residential Keene just so they could SWAT team a pro-independence talk show. Historical patterns indicate they will be doing much worse things soon enough; pressure for independence will become mainstream, and as you may know the recent unscientific Union Leader showed 71 percent support for a chance to vote on leaving the malfunctioning U.S.


Dave Ridley




NHexit 8th meeting 

September 28th 2021


