
Karen not vindicated by Commission




Karen vs mostly pro-secession Reps video: including a nice speech by Alu Axelman at the beginning.





“As an individual citizen, I find it alarming that some of our elected officials spend their time planning on how New Hampshire should secede from the union, attempting to become a sovereign nation,” she told the commission.



Nice video



“The seven sponsors of the bill for a plan for New Hampshire to secede from the United States and the additional seven Representatives who voted to not kill the secession bill have violated Sections 1 & 3 of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution and should not be allowed to hold public office at the federal or state level.  Therefore, they are not qualified to be on the ballot,” Steele said in her presentation.



Tiny article stub



Mr Secretary:

This orchestrated attack on 14 good representatives who are decent people must stop! With the Gunstock thing going on, this is just another enemy camp grasp at straws. Please put the kibosh on this. The favor of a reply would be greatly appreciated along with a report on whether or not the governor has weighed in on this matter.

Thank you,

Julie Smith






Excellent points by Mike Sylvia




Demonstration against proposed removal of NHexit reps from ballot

What: Demonstration & hearing at Ballot Law Commission

When: 12:00pm Wed, August 24

Who: NHexit & friends, supporters of the New Hampshire state reps who backed your right to vote on independence. And probably there will be some pro-DC folks…who we invite to discuss with us why they back an institution that starts roughly one new war every five years.

Where: Outside the State Archives building, 9 Ratification Way, Concord, NH

I understand there’s an attempt to prevent 14 state reps from running for re-election…this in retaliation for their support of CACR 32. '32 was a constitutional amendment which would have allowed all New Hampshire voters to decide whether we become an independent nation. Other activists have scheduled a demonstration in support of “The Fourteen.” This is scheduled to occur outside the State Archives building, right before the Ballot Law Commission considers a complaint filed against them.

A recent SurveyUSA poll showed 42% of New Hampshire voters want a referendum on leaving the U.S. But through their actions, the complainants actively support the Federal Government…an institution which runs torture chambers. Meanwhile they oppose NH legislators voting on peaceable legislation and oppose you being allowed to vote for either the legislators or the legislation.













To the editor:

With a 400-member state Legislature in New Hampshire and $100 a year of pay, we often hear horror stories about crazy legislation. In my entire tenure as a state representative, I have never seen a proposal as outlandish, offensive, unAmerican, and flat-out embarrassing as the bill Rep. Peter Torosian sponsored that encouraged New Hampshire to secede from the America and establish itself as an independent sovereign nation.

This is not hyperbole and yes, you read that correctly. Torosian signed his name to a bill trying to remove New Hampshire from the United States and make New Hampshire a separate sovereign nation. Rather than stand up for our state and country, Torosian sponsored Articles of Secession

Despite many legal scholars suggesting filing Articles of Secession like Torosian's disqualifies him from holding public office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, less than a year later Torosian now wants to be our state senator. It’s scary to believe that less than a year ago Torosian turned his back on America and is now running for a position where he would be more influential in spreading his outrageous unAmerican agenda.

Torosian’s poor judgment and radical behavior goes unnoticed in a 400-person body, but in the state Senate, where members yields tremendous power, it can be downright dangerous.

Rep. Fred Doucette

Salem, N.H.